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Frances Blanchette

Frances Blanchette

Assistant Director, Center for Language Science
Associate Research Professor of Psychology
Branch Coordinator, Bilingualism Matters @ Penn State
Office Address: 111 Moore Building, University Park, PA 16802



Research Interests:

My core linguistics research applies theoretical and experimental methods to explore structure, meaning, and sound in natural language. Visit my Linguistics Research page for more information and links to papers.

Recent Publications:

Blanchette, Frances, Stanley Dubinsky, Rok Sim, and Amanda Harman. 2024. This construction needs understood: An experimental study of the Alternative Embedded Passive (AEP). American Speech. (available online here)

Blanchette, Frances and Deborah Morton. 2024. The syntax of negation in Anii. In Yaqian Huang, Nina Hagen Kaldhol, Jun Jie Lim, Sharon Rose, and Anthony Struthers-Young (eds.) ACAL in SoCAL: Selected Papers from the 53rd Annual Conference on African Linguistics, 125โ€“148. Berlin: Language Science Press. (available online here)

Blanchette, Frances and Valerie Keppenne. 2024. Anymore, this feature varies: An experimental study of non-polarity (โ€œpositiveโ€) anymoreProceedings of the Linguistic Society of America 9: 5370. (available online here)

Sandberg, Chaleece, Frances Blanchette, & Cynthia Lukyanenko. 2022. Comprehension of vernacular features in aphasia. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research: 1โ€“18.

Blanchette, Frances, Paul Reed, Erin Flannery, & Carrie Jackson. 2020. Linguistic diversity in Appalachia: The case of Negative Auxiliary Inversion. American Speech 95: 297-320. (available online here)

Blanchette, Frances & Cynthia Lukyanenko. 2019. Asymmetries in the acceptability and felicity of English negative dependencies: Where Negative Concord and Negative Polarity (Do Not) Overlap. Frontiers in Psychology. (available online here)

Blanchette, Frances & Cynthia Lukyanenko. 2019. Unacceptable grammars? An eye-tracking study of English Negative Concord. Language and Cognition. (available online here)

Blanchette, Frances & Chris Collins. 2018. On the subject of negative auxiliary inversion. The Canadian Journal of Linguistics 64: 1-30.

Blanchette, Frances, Marianna Nadeu, Jeremy Yeaton, and Viviane Deprez. 2018. English Negative Concord and Double Negation: The Division of Labor between Syntax and Pragmatics. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America.

Blanchette, Frances & Marianna Nadeu. 2018. Prosody and the meanings of English negative indefinites. Journal of Pragmatics 129: 123-139.

Blanchette, Frances. 2017. Micro-syntactic variation in English Negative Concord. Glossa: A journal of general linguistics 2: 1-32.

Blanchette, Frances. 2016. Subject-object asymmetries in the acceptability of English sentences with two negatives. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics 22: 41-50.

Blanchette, Frances. 2016. English Negative Concord and Double Negation: Applying the framework of Collins and Postal 2014. In NELS 46: Proceedings of the Forty-Sixth Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society: Volume 1, eds. Christopher Hammerly & Brandon Pickett, 107ยญโ€“122. Amherst, MA: Graduate Linguistics Student Association (GLSA).

Blanchette, Frances. 2013. Negative Concord in English.  Linguistic Variation 13: 1โ€“47.

Frances Blanchette