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Morphology Circle @ PSU

Morphology Circle @ PSU

Morphology Circle

Mike Putnam – Director (Penn State)
Frances Blanchette (Penn State)
Joshua Bousquette (University of Georgia)
Andrew Hoffman (Penn State)
Terje Lohndal (NTNU & UiT)
David Natvig (University of Stavanger)
Richard Page (Penn State)
Ashley Pahis (Penn State)

Deborah Adeyeye (Penn State)
Rose Fisher (Penn State)
Jordan Hansen (Penn State)
Caro Jolitz (Penn State)
Liana Petrosian (Penn State)
Nick Wensel (Penn State)
Emmeline Wilson (Penn State)

Our research group investigates the nature of lexical and morphological representations using a variety of techniques. A general guiding theme we pursue in our collaborative research is to arrive at a better understanding of the properties of ‘words’. Our research group meets regularly (weekly) in a hybrid in person/Zoom format where we offer trainings (e.g., ELAN, Praat, other software), discuss recent publications in the field, and host guest speakers.