Eleonora Rossi
Research Interests:
Bilingualism, second language acquisition, aphasiology, agrammatism, bilingual aphasia, sentence processing.
My research focuses on the acquisition of grammar in adult English learners of Spanish and Italian, specifically looking at the processing and production of clitic pronouns. In order to analyze grammatical processing of clitic pronouns I use both off-line and on-line behavioral measures as well as neuropsychological measures (ERPs) to tap into the time course of grammatical processing.
Recent Publications:
Rossi, E., Kroll, J.F., & Dussias, P.E. (2014). When bilinguals process gender and number: ERP evidence for the role of cross-language similarity in sentence processing. Neuropsychologia, 62, 11-25.
Kroll, J. F., Gullifer, J. W., McClain, R., Rossi, E., Martรญn, M.C. (in press). Selection and control in bilingual comprehension and production. In J. Schweiter, (Ed.), Cambridge Handbook of Bilingualism. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Rossi, E. (2013). Modulating the sensitivity to syntactic factors in production: Evidence from syntactic priming in agrammatism. Applied Psycholinguistics, available on CJO2013.
Rossi, E., Diaz, M. (under review). The aging linguistic brain: Bilingualism as an advantage? To appear in:Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism on โBilingualism and Agingโ.
Tanner E., Rossi, E. & van Hell G.J. (under review). When syntax beats semantics: Electrophysiological measures of cue interaction in L2 sentence comprehension.
Stowe, L. & Rossi, E. (under review). The neurobiology of L2 learning: an historical overview. In Language Teaching: Surveys and Studies. Cambridge (UK): Cambridge University Press.
Rossi, E., Diaz, M., Kroll, J.F. & Dussias, P.E. (under review). When sentence comprehension in the native language is not enough: What second language learners and bilinguals tell us about the processing of morphosyntax.
Kroll, J.F., & Rossi, E. (2013). Second language acquisition and bilingualism. In Oxford Bibliographies Online: Linguistics. Oxford (UK): Oxford University Press.
Kroll, J.F., Gullifer, J., & Rossi, E. (2013). The multilingual lexicon: The cognitive and neural basis of lexical comprehension and production in two languages. In C. Polio (Ed.), Annual Review of Applied Linguistics on Multilingualism. Cambridge (UK): Cambridge University Press, 33, 102-127.
Kroll, J.F., & Rossi, E. (2013). Bilingualism and multilingualism: Quantitative methods. In C.A. Chapelle (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. Wiley-Blackwell.
Rossi, E. (2012). Data Analysis and interpretation: Statistical Methods. In N. Mรผller & M.J. Ball (Eds.), The Blackwell Guide to Research Methods in Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics. Wiley-Blackwell.
Rossi, E. (2011). The trains of language: Syntax and morphology. In G. Denes (Ed.), Talking heads. The Neuroscience of Language. Psychology Press.
Rossi, E., Schippers, M. & Keysers, C. (2011). Brocaโs area: Linking perception and production in language and actions. In J. Han & E. Poeppel (Eds.), Culture and neural frames of cognition and communication: On Thinking. Heidelberg: Springer.
Rossi, E. (2009). The multilingual brain: learning and losing languages. Jezik in Slovstvo, 1, 1-8.
Rossi, E., & Denes, G. (2009). Natura e rappresentazione della sintassi. In Denes, G. (Ed.), Parlare con la testa. Bologna: Zanichelli.
Visch-Brink, E.G., Bajema, I.M., & Rossi, E. (2009). BOX: A lexico-semantic therapy for aphasic speakers. O.S. Organizzazioni Speciali Ed, Firenze, Italy.
Rossi, E., & Bastiaanse, R. (2008). Spontaneous speech in Italian agrammatic aphasia: a focus on variability and verb production. Aphasiology, 22, 347-362.
Rossi, E. (2007). Clitic production in Italian agrammatism. (Ph.D. dissertation). Series number 64. Grodil, Groningen.
Rossi, E. (2007). Bilingual aphasia: A field under construction. Stem- Spraak- en Taalpathologie, 15, 137-142.