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Carrie Jackson

Carrie Jackson

Professor of German and Linguistics



Lab Affiliation: 

Second Language Acquisition Laboratory

Research Interests:
  • Second language acquisition
  • Psycholinguistics
  • Sentence processing
Research Opportunities:
If you are a Penn State undergrad interested in getting research experience, we are always looking for RAs to work in our lab. No prior experience with psychology, linguistics, or foreign language learning required. Please e-mail me for more information.
Recent Publications:

Keppenne, V., Hopman, E., & Jackson, C.N. (2021). Production training benefits both comprehension and production of grammatical gender agreement in L2 German. Applied Psycholinguistics. Advanced online publication:

Brehm, L., Jackson, C.N., & Miller, K.L. (2021). Probabilistic online processing of sentence anomalies. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. Advanced online publication:

Blanchette, F., Reed, P., Flannery, E., & Jackson, C.N. (2020). Linguistic diversity in Appalachia: The case of negative auxiliary inversion. American Speech, 95(3), 297-320.

Henry, N., Hopp, H., & Jackson, C.N. (2020). The use of prosody and case marking in L2 sentence processing. Second Language Research. Advanced online publication:

Jackson, C.N., & Hopp, H. (2020). Prediction error and implicit learning in L1 and L2 syntactic priming. International Journal of Bilingualism, 24(5-6), 895-911.

Jackson, C.N., Lorimor, H., & van Hell, J.G. (2020). The ERP correlates of predicting thematic roles during the comprehension of passive versus active sentences. Journal of Neurolinguistics. Advanced online publication:

Hopp, H., Bail, J., & Jackson, C.N. (2020). Frequency at the syntax-discourse interface: A bidirectional study on fronting options in L1/L2 German and L1/L2 English. Second Language Research, 36(1), 65-96.

Lorimor, H., Jackson, C.N., & van Hell, J.G. (2019). The interaction of notional number and morphophonology in subject-verb agreement: A role for working memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72(4), 890-900.

Sandberg, C., *Kerschen, K., *Carpenter, E., Paolieri, D., & Jackson, C.N. (2019). The benefits of abstract word training on productive vocabulary knowledge among second language learners. Applied Psycholinguistics, 40(6), 1331-1362.

Brehm, L., Jackson, C.N., & Miller, K.A. (2019). Speaker-specific processing of anomalous sentences. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 72(4), 764-778.

Jackson, C.N., Mormer, E., & Brehm, L. (2018). The production of subject-verb agreement among Swedish and Chinese second language learners of English. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 40(4), 907-921.

Jackson, C.N. (2018). Second language structural priming: A review of recent research and directions for future research. Second Language Research, 34(4), 539-552.

Carrie  Jackson