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PIRE students present their work at national and international conferences

PIRE students present their work at national and international conferences

PIRE undergraduate fellows Brendan Tomoshuk and Daniel Bloodgood presented their PIRE research at the 2014 Meeting of the Society for Cognitive Neuroscience.

PIRE undergraduate fellow Leah Pappas has presented her PIRE research at the 2014 meeting of the American Association of Applied Linguistics in Portlan (OR) and at the 20th Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLAP) Conference, Edinburgh (UK).

PIRE undergraduate fellow Kaylee Roupas has presented her PIRE research at the 2014 Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference (GLAC) in West Lafayette (IN).

PIRE undergraduate fellow Kyra Krass will present her PIRE research at the 2015 Meeting of the Society for Cognitive Neuroscience.

PIRE undergraduate fellow Paige Elinsky will present her PIRE research at the 2015 International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB10).

PIRE student Nick Anderegg will present his PIRE research at the 2015 International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB10).