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Navin Viswanathan (Penn State) โ€“ Studying the Perception of a Variable Speech Signal: Past Studies and Current Directions
September 14, 2018
9:00 am
Moore 127

Navin Viswanathan (Penn State) โ€“ Studying the Perception of a Variable Speech Signal: Past Studies and Current Directions

Studying the Perception of a Variable Speech Signal:  Past Studies and Current Directions

Human listeners demonstrate remarkably robust speech perception despite being faced with a speech signal that is highly variable. In this talk, I will briefly consider the sources of variability that affect the speech signal and highlight the central issue for any account of speech perception. I will then provide an overview of the kind of questions we address in our lab by discussing past work in different domains of speech variability. Finally, I will report on a new paradigm that we are working on that takes seriously the collaborative nature of spoken language processes.