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John Baugh (Washington University) – Linguistics for Legal Purposes (Recorded Lecture)
September 25, 2020
9:00 am
ZOOM Virtual Room (Link will be provided)

John Baugh (Washington University) – Linguistics for Legal Purposes (Recorded Lecture)

Linguistics for Legal Purposes

Dr. John Baugh is a Professor of Psychology, Anthropology, Education, English, Linguistics, and African and African American Studies at Washington University in St. Louis and is the author of the book, "Linguistics in Pursuit of Justice" (Cambridge University Press, 2018). His presentation, "Linguistics for Legal Purposes", will provide an overview of some of the ways in which linguistics can be utilized for various legal purposes. The formulation of linguistic profiling will be included, along with matters related to housing discrimination. In addition, other civil and criminal cases will be discussed, including murder cases where linguistic experimentation or survey research was essential. The presentation concludes with a critical assessment of the field of forensic linguistics.