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Carlos Echeverría Arriagada

Carlos Echeverría Arriagada

Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow in the Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese


Research interests
  • Romance, especially Hispanic linguistics
  • Morphosyntax
  • Quantitative corpus methodology
  • Historical linguistics
  • General linguistic theory
Recent publications
  • Torres Cacoullos, R. & C. I. Echeverría (to appear). Procesos de gramaticalización en la historia del español [‘Grammaticalization processes in the history of Spanish’]. In S. N. Dworkin, G. Clavería Nadal & Á. S. Octavio de Toledo y Huerta (eds.), Lingüística histórica del español/The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Historical Linguistics. London: Routledge.
  • Torres Cacoullos, R., J. Bybee, & C. I. Echeverría (to appear). Estructura argumental de verbos que se construyen con preposición [‘Argument structure of verbs that are constructed with a preposition’]. In C. Company Company (ed.), Sintaxis histórica de la lengua española, vol. 4. México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México/Fondo de Cultura Económica.
  • Echeverría, C. I. (2022). On the inertia of linguistic ideas: revisiting the dichotomy between closed and open classes. Language Sciences, 89, 101445.
  • Echeverría, C. I. (2022). Once again on the parallelism between expression and content. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia, 54 (1), 24–39.
  • Echeverría Arriagada, C. I. (2021). Sobre un error en la traducción española de “Principes de syntaxe fonctionnelle” de Coseriu [‘On a mistake in the Spanish translation of Coseriu’s “Principes de syntaxe fonctionnelle”’]. Energeia, 6, 118–124.
  • Echeverría, C. I. & C. A. González Fernández (2019). From hispanisms to anglicisms: examining the perception and treatment of native linguistic features associated with interference in translator training. Languages, 4(2), 42.
  • Echeverría Arriagada, C. I. (2018). La transición de la ortografía casera a la académica en un corpus de folletos políticos chilenos (1880-1939) [‘The transition from domestic to academic orthography in a corpus of Chilean political pamphlets (1880–1939)’]. Boletín de la Real Academia Española, XCVIII (CCCXVIII), 429–446.
Carlos  Echeverria Arriagada