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Richard Page

Richard Page

Associate Professor of German and Linguistics


Research Interests:
  • Germanic linguistics
  • Historical linguistics
  • Language contact and change
  • Pennsylvania German
  • Phonology
Recent Publications:

On the Irregularity of Open Syllable Lengthening in German. Historical Linguistics 2005: Selected papers from the 17th International Conference on Historical Linguistics, Madison, 31 July–5 August 2005. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins (2007): 337-350.

(with Joshua R. Brown) The Big Valley Oral History Project: Language Attitudes toward Pennsylvania German in Big Valley. Yearbook for German-American Studies 42 (2007): 125-140.

The synchrony and diachrony of vowel length in English and Dutch. Diachronica 23.1 (2006): 61-104.

(with Philip Baldi). Review article on Europa Vasconica-Europa Semitica. BY THEO VENNEMANN, GEN. NIERFELD; EDITED BY PATRIZIA NOEL AZIZ HANNA. (Trends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs, 138), Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 2003. Pp. xxii, 977. Lingua. 116 (2006): 1183-2220.

(with Mark L. Louden). Stable Bilingualism and Phonological (Non)Convergence in Pennsylvania German. ISB4: Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Bilingualism, James Cohen, Kara T. McAlister, Kellie Rolstad, and Jeff MacSwan. Somerset, MA: Cascadilla Press, (2005): 1384-1392.

“Hesselman’s Law, Prokosch’s Law, and Moraic Conservation in the Germanic Quantity Shift.” Journal of Germanic Linguistics 13 (2001): 231-255.

“Double Consonant Graphs in the Ormulum.” Interdisciplinary Journal for Germanic Linguistics and Semiotic Analysis 5 (2000): 245-271.

“The Germanic Verschärfung and Prosodic Change.” Diachronica 16 (1999): 297–334.

“On Notker’s Anlautgesetz.” In Interdigitations: Essays for Irmengard Rauch, ed. by Gerald F. Carr, Wayne Harbert and Lizhua Zhang. New York: Peter Lang (1999): 305–309.

Richard  Page