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Lisa Goffman (University of Texas at Dallas) – A deficit in sequential pattern learning in developmental language disorder
October 29, 2021
9:00 am

Lisa Goffman (University of Texas at Dallas) – A deficit in sequential pattern learning in developmental language disorder


We propose a framework for conceptualizing learning in children with developmental language disorder that focuses on domain general cognitive mechanisms that are central to the disorder, such as sequential pattern learning. In this talk, I will present empirical data from a series of studies that incorporate linguistic and articulatory measures of language production along with behavioral and kinematic measures of manual action (i.e., manual gestures, timed hand movements, and musical rhythmic sequences). Two broad themes will be emphasized. First, I will provide findings addressing how indices of motor control, including variability and structure of movement, relate to representations of linguistic units in typical and atypical learners. The second theme focuses on sequential pattern learning as a core feature underlying motor, phonological, and grammatical development and disorder. We propose that children (and adults) with developmental language disorder demonstrate a deficit in the organization of sequences related to pattern induction in learning.