Paola E. (Giuli) Dussias
Professor of Spanish, Linguistics and Psychology
Lab Affiliation:
Research Interests:
- Bilingualism
- Psycholinguistics
- Syntactic Processing
- Hispanic Linguistics
- Second Language Acquisition
- Code-switching
- Spanish Heritage Language
Curriculum Vitae:
Research Opportunities:
The graduate students in my lab and I are always looking for motivated undergraduate students with an interest in language and bilingualism, who would like to gain research experience in data collection, data analysis, and experimental design. Announcements are posted on the 3rd floor in Burrowes Building, the 6th floor in Moore Building, and on the website of the Center for Language Science.
Selected publications:
(*indicates publications with current and former graduate students, and post- doctoral fellows)
- Dussias, P. E., & Miller, K. (in press). Eye-tracking Methods in child SLA research. In Yuko Goto Butler and Becky Huang, (Eds.), Research methods for understanding child second language development, Routledge.
- *Connell, K., Puscama, G., Pinzón-Coimbra, J., Rembalski, J., Xu, G.., Valdés Kroff, J., Bajo, M. T., Dussias, P. E. (2021). Phonologically Cued Lexical Anticipation in L2 English: A Visual World Eye-Tracking Study. In Danielle Dionne and Lee-Ann Vidal Covas (Eds), Proceedings of the 45th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development,171-183. Somerville, MA: Cascadilla Press.
- *López-Beltrán, P., Johns, M. A., Dussias, P. E., Lozano, C., & Palma, A. (in press). The effects of information structure in the processing of word order variation in the second language. Second Language Research.
- Andras, F., Rivera, M., Bajo, T., Dussias, P. E., Paolieri, D. (in press). Cognate facilitation effect during auditory comprehension of L2: a visual world eye-tracking study. International Journal of Bilingualism.
- *Dussias, P. E., Kroll, J. F., Fricke, M., & Johns, M. A. (2021). Language contact in the lab. In E. Adamou & Y. Matras (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language Contact.
- *Beatty-Martínez, A. L., Navarro-Torres, C.A., & Dussias, P. E. (2020). Codeswitching: A bilingual toolkit for opportunistic speech planning. In J. Treffers-Daller, E. Ruigendijk, & J. E. Hofweber, (Eds.)., Behavioral and Neurophysiological Approaches to Code-Switching and Language Switching [Special Issue]. Frontiers in Psychology.
- *Beatty-Martínez, A. L., Navarro-Torres, C. A., Dussias, P. E., Bajo, M. T., Guzzardo Tamargo, R. E., & Kroll, J. F. (2020). Interactional context mediates the consequences of bilingualism for language and cognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 46(6), 1022–1047.
- *Contemori, C., & Dussias, P. E. (2020). The processing of subject pronouns in highly proficient L2 English speakers. Glossa: A Journal of General Linguistics, 5, 38. DOI:
- *Pulido, M., & Dussias, P. E. (2020). Desirable difficulties while learning collocations in a second language: Conditions that induce L1 interference improve learning. Bilingualism: Language & Cognition, 23(3), 652-667. doi:10.1017/S1366728919000622
- *Beatty-Martínez, A. L., & Dussias, P. E. (2019). Adaptive control and brain plasticity: A multidimensional account of the bilingual experience and its relation to cognition. In I. A. Sekerina, V. Valian, & L. Spradlin (Eds.), Bilingualism, Executive Function, and Beyond: Questions and Insights (pp. 49-66). (Studies in Bilingualism; Vol. 57). John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi: 10.1075/sibil.57.04bea.
- *Beatty-Martínez, A. L. & Dussias, P. E., (2019). Revisiting Masculine and Feminine Grammatical Gender in Spanish: Linguistic, Psycholinguistic, and Neurolinguistic Evidence. In S. Macini, S. Caffarra, & A. Nevins (Eds.)., Featural Relations in the Brain: Theoretical and Experimental Perspectives on Grammatical Agreement [Special Issue]. Frontiers in Psychology, 10:751. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00751.
- *Contemori, C., & Dussias, P. E. (2019). Prediction at the Discourse Level in Spanish–English Bilinguals: An Eye-Tracking Study. Frontiers in Psychology.
- *Contemori, C., Dussias, P.E. (2019). Implicit causality pronoun resolution biases in Spanish-English bilinguals. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 956.
- Dussias, P. E., Beatty-Martínez, A. L.., Johns, M. A., & Pulido, M. (2019). Sentence Processing in Monolingual and Bilingual Speakers. Oxford Bibliographies in Linguistics
- Dussias, P. E., Valdés Kroff, J. R., Beatty-Martínez, A. L., Johns, M. A. (2019). What language experience tells us about cognition: Variable input and interactional contexts affect bilingual sentence processing. In J. Schwieter,(Ed.), The Handbook of the Neuroscience of Multilingualism” (pp. 467-484). Wiley-Blackwell.
- Dussias, P. E., Valdés Kroff, J. R., Johns, M., & Villegas, A. (2019). How bilingualism affects syntactic processing in the native language: Evidence from eye movements. In Monika S. Schmid and Barbara Köpke (Eds.), The Oxford University Press Handbook on Language Attrition (pp. 98-107). Oxford University Press.
- *Johns, M. A., Valdés Kroff, J. R., Dussias, P. E. (2019). Mixing things up: How blocking and mixing affect the processing of codemixed sentences. International Journal of Bilingualism, 23, 584-611. PDF
- *Pulido, M. F. & Dussias, P. E. (2019) The Neural Correlates of Conflict Detection and Resolution During Multiword Lexical Selection: Evidence from Bilinguals and Monolinguals. Brain Sciences, 9, 110. PDF
- Kroll, J. F., Dussias, P. E., & Bajo, T. (2018). Language use across international contexts: shaping the minds of L2 speakers. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics (Issue on International Language Learning), 38, pp. 60-79. PDF
- *Beatty-Martínez, A. L., & Dussias, P. E. (2018). Tuning to languages: Experience-based approaches to the language science of bilingualism. Linguistics Vanguard. doi: 2017- 0034. PDF
- *Beatty-Martínez, A. L., Valdés Kroff, J. R., & Dussias, P. E. (2018). From the field to the lab: A converging methods approach to the study of codeswitching. Languages,3, 1-16. PDF
- Dussias, P. E., & Sagarra, N. (2007). The effect of exposure on syntactic parsing in Spanish-English bilinguals. Bilingualism, 10(1), 101. PDF
Post-doctoral students at Penn State
- Dr. Laura Rodrigo (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and University of Hiroshima), ongoing
- Dr. Clara Cohen (Berkeley, co-supervised with Dr. Matthew Carlson). Now Lecturer in Psycholinguistics, University of Glasgow
- Dr. Carla Contemori (University of University of Siena, Italy & University of Reading, UK). Now Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Texas, El Paso
- Dr. Eleonora Rossi (University of Groningen, co-supervised with Dr. Judith Kroll; principal advisor). Now Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Florida
- Dr. Melinda Fricke (Berkeley, co-supervised with Dr. Judith Kroll; principal advisor). Now Assistant Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of Pittsburgh
- Dr. Patricia Román (University of Granada & Max Planck Institute, Leipzig). Now Assistant Professor, University of Loyola (Spain)
- Dr. Gerrit Jan Koostra (University of Nijmegen, co-supervised with Dr. Eleonora Rossi), now at Radboud University, the Netherlands
Dissertation Director at Penn State
- Geraldine Blattner (2002-2007). Department of French, Penn State University. Associate Professor, Florida Atlantic University
- Christopher Botero (2006-2011, co-supervised with Chip Gerfen). Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, Penn State University. Associate Professor, Augusta State University
- David Counselman (2006-2010, co-supervised with Chip Gerfen). Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, Penn State University. Associate Professor, Ohio Wesleyan (ranked in tier 1 among U.S. Liberal Arts Colleges in the 2010 edition of US News and World Reports)
- Amelia Dietrich (2009-2014). Department of Spanish, Penn State University. Fellow ACLS, Assistant Director for Digital Resources, Forum on Education Abroad
- Jason Gullifer, (2009-2015, primary advisor Dr. Judith F. Kroll). Department of Psychology, Penn State University. Postdoctoral Fellow, McGill Universit
- Rosa E. Guzzardo Tamargo (2006-2012, co-supervised with Chip Gerfen). Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, Penn State University. Associate Professor, University of Puerto Rico, Rio Piedras
- Tracy R. Scaltz (2006-2013), Department of Spanish, Italian & Portuguese, Penn State University. Department Chair of World Languages at River Hill High School, Maryland
- Jorge Valdés Kroff (2006-2012, co-supervised with Chip Gerfen). Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, Penn State University. Associate Professor, University of Florida
- Álvaro, Villegas (2007-2014). Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, Penn State University Amazon engineer, Boston.
- Lauren Perrotti Halberstadt (2012-2017). Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, Penn State University, Assistant Teaching Professor, Penn State University
- Anne Beatty-Martínez (2013-2019). Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, Penn State University
- Manuel Pulido Azpíroz (2016-2020). Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, Penn State University. Assistant Professor, Penn State University
- Michael Johns (2015-2020). Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, Penn State University, Research Associate, Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security, University of Maryland.
- Priscila López-Beltrán (2016-2021). Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, Penn State University, Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Penn State University
- María Gabriela Puscama (2017-present). Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, Penn State University (Primary advisor, Matthew Carlson, ongoing)
- Jessica Vélez-Avilés, (2018-present). Department of Spanish, Italian and Portuguese, Penn State University (ongoing)