Nicole Etter
The Orofacial Physiology and Perceptual Analysis Lab (OPPAL)
Etter, NM, Van Meter, EM, & Andreatta, RD. The Relationship between Labial Vibrotactile Detection and Pure-tone Hearing Threshold in Healthy, Aging Adults. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. Accepted 4/17/15
Etter, NM, Van Meter, EM, & Andreatta, RD. (2014). Labial Vibrotactile Somatosensory Perception: A pilot study in healthy aging versus young adult participants. Percept Mot Skills. 118(2): 622-35.
Etter, NM, Stemple, JC, and Howell, DM. (2013). Defining the Lived Experience of Older Adults with Voice Disorders. Journal of Voice. 27 (1): 61-67.
Danzl, M.M., Etter, N.M., Andreatta, R.D., & Kitzman, P.H. (2012). Facilitating Neurorehabilitation through Principles of Engagement. Journal of Allied Health. 41 (1): 35-41.
Etter, N.M. (2010). What have we learned from physiological approaches to characterizing dysarthrias and other speech production disorders. Perspectives: Speech Science and Orofacial Disorders, 20(2) 25-54.