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Dr. Giordana Grossi (SUNY New Paltz)
October 7, 2022
9:00 am

Dr. Giordana Grossi (SUNY New Paltz)

“Changes in Posterior N1 Lateralization With Reading Experience”

Dr. Giordana Grossi, Professor of Psychology at SUNY New Paltz

Friday, October 7, 9:00–10:30 a.m. EDT, 127 Moore Building and virtually via Zoom

Literacy is associated with changes in occipito-temporal regions important to the early stages of word recognition. In electrophysiological studies, these changes include the amplitude and lateralization of the posterior N1 (~140-220 ms): learning to read is associated with the development of tuning to print (difference in amplitude between print and non-print stimuli) and a shift in scalp distribution from bilateral to left-lateralized, which emerges later. The N1 lateralization has been shown to be modulated by factors tied to the specific language learned (script, type of processing) and experience with a second language, even when the second language is learned during adulthood. After reviewing main findings in the field, Dr. Grossi will present some data on the relationship between bilingualism and N1 lateralization and highlight some outstanding questions.