Karen Miller
I study language acquisition in children. I am interested in how children acquire sociolinguistic variation and how variable input affects their acquisition of grammar.
Shin, N. & Miller, K. (accepted). Children’s acquisition of morphosyntactic variation. Language Learning and Development.
Brehm, L., Jackson, C., Miller, K. (2021) Probabilistic online processing of sentence anomalies. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience. https://doi.org/10.1080/23273798.2021.1900579
Gómez, D., Holtheuer, C., Miller, K., Schmitt, C. (2021). Children’s and adults’ eye movements and the extraction of number information from redundant markings. Cognition. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cognition.2021.104700
Ramos, M. & Miller, K. (accepted). Acquisition of sociolinguistic variation: Acoustic characteristics of /s/ lenition in the speech of young Chilean Spanish-speaking children and their caregivers.
Miller, K. (accepted). Copula Choice is Associated with Discourse Integration Skills in Spanish-speaking Children. Journal of Hispanic and Lusophone Linguistics.
Dracos, M., Requena, P., & Miller, K. (2018-online) Acquisition of Mood Choice in Spanish-Speaking Children. Language Acquisition: A Journal of Developmental Linguistics.
Brehm, L., Jackson, C.N., & Miller, K. (2018-online) Speaker-specific processing of anomalous sentences. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology.
Requena, P., Hernandez-Roman, A., & Miller, K. (2015) Children’s Knowledge of the Spanish Copulas ser and estar with Novel Adjectives. Language Acquisition: A Journal of Language Development.
Miller, K. (2014) Assessing plural morphology in children acquiring /s/-leniting dialects of Spanish.Language, Speech, and Hearing Services in Schools.
Miller, K. & Hendricks, A. E. (2014) What impact does ambiguous input have on bilingual language acquisition? Linguistic Approaches to Bilingualism 4(3), 362-367.
Requena, P., Hernandez-Roman, A., & Miller, K. (2014) Puerto Rican Children’s Knowledge of the Spanish Copulas Ser and Estar with Adjectives. Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD) Proceedings 38.
Miller, K. & Ramos, M. (2014) Acquisition of Sociolinguistic Variation: Acoustic Characteristics of s-lenition in the Speech of Spanish-speaking Children and their Caregivers. Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD) Proceedings 38.
Miller, K. & Schmitt, C. (2014) Spanish-speaking children’s use of verbal agreement in comprehension.Lingua 144, 40-57.
Miller, K. (2013) Acquisition of variable rules: /s/-lenition in the speech of Chilean Spanish-speaking children and their caregivers. Language Variation and Change 25, 3, 311-340.
Miller, K. (2013) Variable Input: What Sarah reveals about non-agreeing don’t and theories of root infinitives. Language Acquisition: A Journal of Developmental Linguistics.
Miller, K. & Schmitt, C. (2012) Variable input and the acquisition of plural morphology. Language Acquisition: A Journal of Language Development, 19 (3), 223-261.
Miller, K. (2012) Not all children agree: Acquisition of agreement when the input is variable. Language Learning & Development, 8 (3), 255-277.
Miller, K. (2012) Sociolinguistic Variation in Brown’s Sarah Corpus. In: Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD) Proceedings 36. (eds.) A. Biller, E. Chung, A. Kimbal, 339-348, Cascadilla Press.
Miller, K. (2011) Acquisition of Agreement Marking on ‘do’: A Production- Comprehension Asymmetry. In: N. Danis, K. Mesh, and H. Sung (eds.) Proceedings of the 35th annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, 2010, Cascadilla Press, 466-476.
Miller, K. & Schmitt, C. (2010) Effects of variable input in the acquisition of plural in two dialects of Spanish. Lingua 120 (5) 1178-1193.
Schmitt, C. & Miller, K. (2010) Using comprehension methods in language acquisition research. In: S. Unsworth & E. Blom (eds.) Experimental Methods in Language Acquisition Research, John Benjamins, 35-56.
Miller, K. & Schmitt, C. (2009) Syllable-final /s/ lenition and the acquisition of plural morphology in Spanish-speaking children. In: J. Grinstead (ed.) Hispanic Child Languages: Typical and Impaired Development. John Benjamins, 3-27.
Schmitt, C. & Miller, K. (2007) Making discourse dependent decisions: The case of the copulas ser and estar in Spanish. Lingua, 117 (11), 1907-1929.
Miller, K. & Schmitt, C. (2004) An experimental study of child comprehension of Spanish indefinites and bare singulars. Language Acquisition: A Journal of Developmental Linguistics, 12 (3&4), 247-256.
NSF BCS 1322763 ($263,299) – The effect of variable input on children’s acquisition of subjects.